Friday, 31 July 2020

Learn through play!

So we have started this new thing called learning through play the wai syndicate have been doing it for
 ages now but the moana syndicate has start doing it to ( When I say moana syndicate I mean we have 3 
syndicates then the original 2). Anyway I have had to adjust to some of the rules in ltp (Learning through).
First you have to stick with what you did first of all.
second what you chose is what you for both days.

Here are the activities you can chose from
Makey Makey
cardboard nation 
junky monkey and
planet construct
 I chose makey makey for my choice  it was really fun coding with my friends.
 I think that the teachers have made a good decision of make us do it.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Back at school

So we got back from the term 2 school holidays so now it's TERM 3, we have a new checklist 
and a lot of stuff works differently so we have 1 new prioritie it is called Ninja maths. Basically what you do is that there are 3 columns and you have to complete as many of them as you can. Our teachers also brought back Word works which are fun.

   What I did in the holidays 
I had lots of fun during the holiday. I got lots of my friends over I also did  a lot of stuff with my brother back to my school work our quickwrite we did this time is about endangered animals and you have to right four responses to four questions anyway I had a very good week back at school.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Week 12 Blog post

Week 12 Blog post   

So some of you have seen my Just Dance blog post ( If
you haven’t looked at it here’s the link) and Just Dance is
really fun.

But on Monday Koka Terri said that we had to do a
performance on the stage and we could choose from three
songs to do there was Waka waka, Hand clap and timber. I
chose timber because it has a panda in it and I have a panda
mask. So I was going to do it with wolfe but then he got sick
on the day of our performance so  William decided he would
help and he stepped in to do wolfe’s character. So we
finished it and it was lots of fun seeing everybody do it and I
found it very fun to.