Thursday 5 November 2020

Camp is finished!

 So I went on camp this is kind of sequel to camp is coming .The first day are class got on the bus and did 2 walks when we got to kennedy park there was a huge pillow and pool !(yes I thought we were going to top ten but we didn't). The next day we went to a pa site which was super cool we then went to anderson park which was super fun but we went to the prison which wasn't as fun I was so scared you do not know there was a room were there was a sink with splatters of BLOOD ok I'm sorry I know that it was fake I didn't even go in but heard about it.

 The next day we went to arataki honey where we got to try honey and learn about bees . After that are class went to the faradale center which was awesome! It had a large tesla coil which got turned on just for us and it discharged lighting bolts! It also had all these old things. After that we had lunch and did a scavenger hunt on marine parade. 

On the last day are group in my cabin (consisting of rasmus, kobe, krishna, taika and me) Packed up are gear and got it in the bus then we got ourselves on the bus too. The bus driver then drove us to the AQUARIUM where there was a educational thing that the teachers organised about sharks ,we also saw the penguins being fed which was very WHOLESOME. The museum was next then we went home ,camp was fun over all.

Friday 16 October 2020

Camp is coming !

 So on monday my class is going on a school camp. whe are going to napier and staying at top ten And where staying there for 4 days. We where originally going to go to and stay at the aquarium but because of a very certain virus we can't stay there which is bad! Are class is going to do tons of fun stuff but I get extremely home sick and I don't really like sleeping anywhere else then my house but I guess it will be a experience! Anyway Camp will be fun I will post after camp finishes.

Thursday 24 September 2020


 Automatas are toys which have a picture

 which is attached to a skewer and it goes up and down or spin around

my team started of with a rollercoaster which went up and down. but then that

didn't work so we tried some different cams. Cams are the things that make the automata move and work  (My team consisted of jackson ,me and finn) 

but that didn't work so we had to change the whole thing entirely. We then made it one of those spinning roller coasters but it didn't look like a roller coaster it looked like some pancakes so we made it into the amazing flying pancakes

When our koka jo showed everyone's  automatas and some of them looked really cool! Then there was me, finn and jacksons flying pancake making and playing with these automatas was really fun!

Friday 14 August 2020

Pyjama day

 We had a PYJAMA DAY

what you do is you dress up in a onesie or in your pyjamas and go about the day normally but your in a onesie.

why everybody is dressed in onesies is because you have to bring in a gold coin donation for school camp.(There might be a blog post on school camp so keep your eyes peeled) Pyjama day also doubled as... a pie and donut day!

 If you wanted to you could buy a pie and donut (The long and creamy kind) on pyjama day. They were served at morning tea as well as they were very tasty. Our class had to wait about twenty seconds then then everybody saw rori walk with a big tray full of pies then he put them inside they were dealt out seconds later and everybody was attacking there pie's I had lot's of fun on pyjama day.

Friday 7 August 2020

Maths whizz

Recently our teacher said that we now do this thing called Maths Whizz.
 so pretty much you do a placement test and if you complete it you will get 200 coins and 1 gem. When you get into the actual game you progress through levels and get more and more coins once you have done the placement test you get to create your avatar and later on you can buy new items. 

So after you have done 15 minutes of Math Whizz the play zone will unlock,  you can buy pets get new items and nearly all of them are animated. Other than your clothes you can also change the way your background looks like. you can also add friends and set records.

But the main point of Maths Whizz is to learn maths!  To improve and this week I have gained 10 progressions, attempted 10 tutor exercises and have an average pass mark of 96%.  

Friday 31 July 2020

Learn through play!

So we have started this new thing called learning through play the wai syndicate have been doing it for
 ages now but the moana syndicate has start doing it to ( When I say moana syndicate I mean we have 3 
syndicates then the original 2). Anyway I have had to adjust to some of the rules in ltp (Learning through).
First you have to stick with what you did first of all.
second what you chose is what you for both days.

Here are the activities you can chose from
Makey Makey
cardboard nation 
junky monkey and
planet construct
 I chose makey makey for my choice  it was really fun coding with my friends.
 I think that the teachers have made a good decision of make us do it.

Thursday 23 July 2020

Back at school

So we got back from the term 2 school holidays so now it's TERM 3, we have a new checklist 
and a lot of stuff works differently so we have 1 new prioritie it is called Ninja maths. Basically what you do is that there are 3 columns and you have to complete as many of them as you can. Our teachers also brought back Word works which are fun.

   What I did in the holidays 
I had lots of fun during the holiday. I got lots of my friends over I also did  a lot of stuff with my brother back to my school work our quickwrite we did this time is about endangered animals and you have to right four responses to four questions anyway I had a very good week back at school.

Thursday 2 July 2020

Week 12 Blog post

Week 12 Blog post   

So some of you have seen my Just Dance blog post ( If
you haven’t looked at it here’s the link) and Just Dance is
really fun.

But on Monday Koka Terri said that we had to do a
performance on the stage and we could choose from three
songs to do there was Waka waka, Hand clap and timber. I
chose timber because it has a panda in it and I have a panda
mask. So I was going to do it with wolfe but then he got sick
on the day of our performance so  William decided he would
help and he stepped in to do wolfe’s character. So we
finished it and it was lots of fun seeing everybody do it and I
found it very fun to.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Week 11 Blog post

Week 11 Blog post   

So today I’m talking about 2 of my priorities. In these two
priorities you write about the foods that you like and in a
different one you write about foods that you hate which I
really liked doing. The first one that I did was the good menu
which was probably the more fun one, the only thing that was
annoying is that when I was thinking of foods that I like it
made me sort of hungry.
          The other one you had to write about food that you
didn’t like which I found sort of fun but still liked the other
one. Anyway here are the things that were in my good one
Pasta, pizza and butter chicken . These were probably some
of my favorite priorities.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Week 10 blog post

Week 10 Blog post   

Yesterday MLH2 and 3 had a bubble competition so we started off
with making a slideshow we had to put in the ingredients (That's what I did!) the recipe, the
wands and the title page. When we actually got onto making the bubbles, we followed our
recipe and put in all the right ingredients. Then we took it outside to rest, then everybody in
the class went to morning tea then it was time to test.

Everybody went onto the field and we started to test the bubbles everybody's bubbles
worked. Wolfe’s buzz group had extremely large bubbles but ours failed. We tried putting in
glucose syrup, sugar and water but nothing worked. Probably the coolest thing our bubble
mixture could do was you could capture it  then poke your finger through anyway. I
recommend this challenge to everybody.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Week 9 blog post

Just Dance

So we have been doing this thing called just dance and it is
really fun, what you do is that you hold the wii remote (just
dance is made for the wii console and the Xbox 360 kinect
but we just watch youtube videos and follow the actions) and
the wii or Xbox picks up your movements

Anyways just dance has a variety of songs to choose from all
the way from rasputin made by Boney.M to can’t touch this.
The one that my class does the most is Waka waka and
there are four people dressed up in soccer outfits. About 3
quarters of the way through your team has to create a human
BIKE then at the very end of the song, 3 of your teammates
to the left get together 

And then the person to the right has to jump into the other
peoples arms. Anyway Just Dance is very fun and I
recommend it to everybody.

Thursday 4 June 2020

Learning from home school

Week 8 Blog post 

I know that lots of people didn’t like the lockdown but
personally I really liked lockdown.
Sure there were some downsides ( I’ll get to those later )
but other than those lockdown was great.
We had awesome theme weeks,
fun theme based google meets and
easy to use websites out of doing school
I called most of my friends on google hangouts.

The one thing that I really didn’t like was that
I couldn’t see any of
my friends in the flesh but like I said I could
see them on the google meets and google hangouts
All and all I really enjoyed lockdown.
Now we are back at school everybody has to use 
hand sanitizer and we have gotten back into our workshops!

Thursday 27 February 2020

Fun first week back at school 2020!!!

The first week back at school was a good one we got sorted into are buzz groups ( I'll tell you about those later) met our new teachers and started doing quick writes.

 so you're probably saying WHAT ARE BUZZ GROUPS well I shall answer that question. buzz groups are randomly chosen groups which have to play games which are actually really fun
what makes buzz groups interesting is you have no free will on who has to be in your buzz group which makes it fun and exciting.

I have four teachers (including room 3s)
Koka Terri, Koka Ngaire, Koka Jo and Koka Rachel
Koka Terri is my main teacher I have her most of the time. There all great teachers I also usually have
Koka jo she's good too 

For quick writes this year we've been doing  these things called VS CHALLENGES
there where you have to choose between one or the other the first one that we did was chocolate vs cheese and I couldn't choose between them both so I wrote about them both and there unique traits and differences. The next one that we did was cats vs dogs that one was also fun.

My first week back at school was lots of fun and I can't wait to get on with the rest of the year!